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Citogen’s genetic identification unit is a pioneer in the implementation of laboratories and quality systems related to genetic analysis and is an expert in assurance procedures and training of personnel required for all the stages of the process.
Services we provide

Configuration of specialized laboratories: Forensics
We offer the best laboratory implantation process, specialized in DNA analysis. Investment in a DNA laboratory that complies with the controls and Quality systems required by Citogen’s Genetic Identification Unit offers the following services for DNA analysis. It has an excellent cost/benefit ratio and is fundamental to the present and future development of forensic science and the judicial system. We offer this service at a national and international level.

Implementation of Forensic Genetics laboratories
The forensic genetics technology transfer service provided by Citogen’s Genetic Identification Unit offers, from a simple idea, to the implementation and start-up of a forensic genetics laboratory, as well as the appropriate training of the forensic geneticist personnel. The flexibility offered makes it possible to adapt to the needs of the the user to the project, without altering the procedures of the project´s Quality assurance, and while respecting a good cost/benefit relationship. We offer this service at a national and international level.
Laboratory design
Citogen’s Genetic Identification Unit plans the development and design of the laboratories, according to their functional characteristics, equipment needs, consumable materials, consumables and reagents. Adequately defining these needs with a greater degree of accuracy, ensuring that the laboratory cost/benefit ratio is optimal. The experience of Citogen’s Genetic Identification Unit in the implementation of DNA technology guarantees the full satisfaction of our customers and the high quality performance of the new forensic genetics laboratories implemented.
Project implementation
Once the operational needs of the laboratory have been defined, Citogen’s Genetic Identification Unit begins the process of project execution in several stages:
-Division and arrangement of work rooms
-Supply of equipment, consumables, consumable materials and reagents
Scientific-technical training
Citogen’s Genetic Identification Unit is developing a plan for the specific training program for each project based on the specific needs of the different techniques implemented. It is taught, both in its theoretical and practical components, by technicians of Citogen’s Genetic Identification Unit, qualified and with a long-standing professional career in the field of forensic genetic analysis.
The development will take place in the installed laboratory, and ensures the technical personnel and end users of the laboratory, the knowledge of the theoretical underpinnings and practical development of the different steps and techniques for DNA analysis, with the use of different types of samples. Upon completion of the training, you will have a competency assessment and certification for the entire workforce personnel involved in the different stages of DNA analysis.
Technical support
Once the project for the implementation of the forensic genetic laboratory has been completed, Citogen’s Genetic Identification Unit, provides technical support to the laboratory. This support is provided through a user-supplier “hotline” for the technical questions or doubts and resolutions of the problems. In the same way, the Genetic Identification Unit of Citogen endorses to International Forensic Genetics Societies, the incorporation of the implemented laboratory.